07454 365 421

M Seven PRWe’re a caring and professional PR and Communications Consultancy.
Chatty but results driven, passionate about what we do but down to earth with it.




Tour de Force!

Tour de Force!

Congratulations must go to the team at Baroque Theatre Company who this weekend complete a 3 month national tour …

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Independent Birmingham

Independent Birmingham

As Founder of M Seven PR I know just how much hard-work and effort goes into making a success of your business…

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Culture soundbites

Culture soundbites

‘Cameron Mackintosh’s wealth has increased by £30 million in the past year, making him the 111th richest person in the UK.’ The Stage…

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PR and Media services that get the results you want!

- PR Campaigns
- Branding Concepts
- Social Media
- Event Planning
- Podcasting
- Press releases
- Photography
- Digital Media Kits





”Mandy worked on the PR for TILT Festival 2019. Even with a tight lead in time, she successfully secured both TV and radio coverage for the Festival, even bringing presenters along to have a go at aerial circus. Mandy was professional, supportive, extremely communicative and hugely reliable. We will definitely be working with Mandy on the annual festival.“

Artistic Director. RoguePlay Theatre, West Midlands Circus & Creation Centre

”Mandy excels in her understanding of all media and what they need to produce great content for users“

Kevin Pashby, Broadcast Journalist

Contact 07454 365 421 | mandyrose@m7pr.co.uk