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Let the Waving Begin! Vamos Theatre launches The Wednesday Wave

by | Oct 1, 2020 | News | 0 comments

Vamos Theatre, the UK’s leading full mask theatre company, is launching The Wednesday Wave, a national and international campaign to combat loneliness amongst care home residents and those who feel isolated during the current pandemic and beyond.

More than half a million vulnerable people are still unable to leave their homes due to coronavirus. It’s having a huge impact on mental and physical health and those still isolating must not be forgotten.

For ten weeks, from 14th October until 16 December 2020, the Arts Council England-funded theatre company is encouraging the public to connect with residents in local care homes or isolated neighbours, by waving to them through windows from 3pm on Wednesdays. The company are also connecting primary schools with local care homes.

How does it work?

  • If you are a Care Home resident or live alone and feel isolated, or in need of contact, put The Wednesday Wave poster in your window, letting your community know that you’re inviting a wave. You can download a poster to print at vamostheatre.co.uk/TWWposter
  • If you would like to wave, whether on your way home from school, on a break from work or on a daily walk, identify somewhere with a poster displayed.
  • From 3pm on Wednesdays, let the waving begin!

The idea for The Wednesday Wave was born out of How Hard is Waving? Vamos Theatre’s successful Culture in Quarantine commission for the BBC, a series of short films made in isolation during lockdown. How Hard is Waving? tells the story of a family trying to keep connected in lockdown and was itself inspired by the true story of Artistic Director Rachael Savage’s personal ‘wave’ with a local care home resident.

Rachael comments, “The impact that a friendly wave can have on loneliness is huge. We want this campaign to be felt nationally and internationally, and for communities of all backgrounds to take part, helping to make sure that those who are most at risk are not forgotten. Everyone can make a difference with the simple act of waving.”

Over 80 Care Homes with over 2,400 residents across the UK have already signed up to take part in The Wednesday Wave.  Belfast, Nottingham, Warwickshire, Worcestershire, Essex, Birmingham, Kidderminster, Solihull, Somerset and Hertfordshire are just some of the locations. These include: Runwood Care Homes UK, Eastern County Care, Royal British Legion, Mowbray Nursing Home, Arden House and Stanfield Nursing Homes, with more expected to join over the coming months.

Mark Topps, Registered Home Manager, Eastern County Care in Essex added: “We go out and walk everyday around our village, it’s been hard for everyone in lockdown but the elderly villagers have really appreciated talking with us from a safe distance on our daily walks and some really look forward to us passing by and wait for us by their windows.  So, The Wednesday Wave is really worth while; it would make such a difference in people’s day, improving their well-being and self-worth.

Vamos Theatre, funded by Arts Council England, was awarded one of the BBC’s Culture in Quarantine commission, celebrating the making of artistic work during lockdown. You can see the company’s short film series, How Hard is Waving? on BBC iPlayer https://bbc.in/2QKPdue

The Wednesday Wave is being run in compliance with Government guidelines on COVID-19.


Useful Links:

TEASER TRAILER:  www.vamostheatre.co.uk/TWWtrailer

WEBSITE: www.vamostheatre.co.uk/the-wednesday-wave


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